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Build Your Vision.
Code Your Future.


Trusted experts and extraordinary results

We are passionate about solving real-world problems using technology, serving organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 500. With over 40 years of combined experience as penetration testers and cybersecurity advisors, we can deliver the best solutions while keeping your software and data secure.
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Launch Your Vision, Accelerate Your Growth

Every great startup begins with a bold idea. At Cyber Founders Group, we're passionate about helping you turn that idea into a reality. We understand the unique challenges and resource constraints startups face, and we're here to provide the technical expertise and agile solutions you need to get to market fast.
  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Development: Get your product in front of customers quickly and efficiently.
  • Mobile App Development: Reach your audience on their smartphones with engaging, user-friendly apps.
  • Web Application Development: Create a compelling online presence with dynamic web applications.
  • Software Prototyping and UI/UX Design: Craft intuitive interfaces and user experiences that delight customers.
  • Agile Development and DevOps Consulting: Adopt agile methodologies and DevOps practices for accelerated development.
  • Tech Startup Consulting: Make informed decisions with expert guidance on tools, platforms, and strategies.



Scale Your Vision, Power Your Growth

In the fast-paced digital world, your enterprise needs a technology partner that understands your unique challenges and goals. We craft robust, scalable software solutions that drive efficiency, innovation, and bottom-line results. Whether you're a multinational corporation or a growing mid-sized business, we have the experience and expertise to elevate your technology landscape.
  • Custom Enterprise Software Development: Tailored applications that align perfectly with your complex business processes.
  • Legacy System Modernization: Revitalize existing systems for enhanced performance, security, and scalability.
  • Software Maintenance and Support: Proactive care to ensure your software investments continue to deliver value.
  • Cloud Migration and Management: Unlock the power of the cloud with optimized costs and scalability.
  • Data Analytics and Business Intelligence: Transform raw data into actionable insights for informed decision-making.
  • Cybersecurity Solutions: Comprehensive strategies and tools to protect your valuable assets from cyber threats.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I outsource software development instead of building an in-house team?

Outsourcing allows you to access top talent quickly without the overhead of hiring, training, and managing a team. This saves you time and money, allowing you to focus on your core business while we build your MVP or product.

How can you help me get my MVP to market faster?

We have a streamlined MVP development process that focuses on core features and rapid iteration. We can help you prioritize functionalities, optimize the development timeline, and launch your product quickly to gather valuable user feedback.

How do you ensure the quality of the software you develop?

Quality is our top priority. We follow industry best practices, implement rigorous testing protocols, and involve you throughout the development process to ensure the final product meets your expectations and industry standards.

How do you manage costs and budget for startups?

We understand startups have budget constraints. We offer flexible engagement models tailored to your needs and budget.We also provide transparent pricing and detailed project plans to avoid unexpected costs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I outsource when I already have an IT department?

Outsourcing allows you to supplement your in-house team with specialized expertise for specific projects. This can help you accelerate development, access niche skills, and reduce the workload on your existing team.

How can you help modernize my legacy systems without disrupting my business?

We have extensive experience in legacy system modernization. We can carefully assess your existing infrastructure, develop a phased migration plan, and implement new technologies without impacting your daily operations.

Can you help us automate manual processes and improve efficiency?

Absolutely! We specialize in automating manual processes through custom software solutions. This can streamline workflows, reduce errors, and free up your employees to focus on higher-value tasks.

How do you ensure the security of our data and systems during migration or development projects?

Security is paramount. We implement stringent security measures at every stage of the project, including data encryption, access controls, and regular vulnerability assessments, to ensure your data and systems are protected.

Ready to Build your vision with Cyber Founders?


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